
How can a dog change so much someone’s life?

I’ve always had dogs when I lived with my father, but they were never trained. After 3 years of being married, it was time to get a dog: life was not the same for someone who had dogs all her life and I was missing that so much!

It was the last year of my PhD in literature, I was sure I didn’t  want to pursue an academic carreer anymore. I was sad, frustrated and feeling lost. It was the perfect time to get a dog.

This was the time when Wurst came into our lives. And because of him I started taking courses on dog behaviour, exercising, doing agility and, of course, dog photography.

I photographed several dogs in Brazil before coming to Germany and I can’t wait to photograph your dog in the beautiful Köln.

It's all about dogs

It’s all about dogs in my life:
– I train agility at the Cologne Verein and also with Tobias Wüst weekly
– I am doing an Ausbildung for Dog trainers
– And I also photograph dogs, isn’t that pretty cool?!?